Sunday 13 December 2009

Music video evaluation

My music video evaluation.

The group in which I worked to create a video for our song ‘first love’ included, Georgia, Elliot and I. I think we shared responsibilities rather than each have a set objective within the music video, but Elliot was mainly in charge of the creation of our song as we accepted him as the most musically talented in our group, and together we shared ideas of what style and type of music video we wanted.
Georgia and I watched through some videos of a grime and hip-hop genre and analysed the typical things they included, one we really enjoyed was Devlin’s ‘London city’ and I feel we mainly took our ideas from that video.
Our video pretty much expresses the relationship of Elliot and his first love, that breaks his heart. Matching the lyrics of the song.
I feel that our video ended up with more bad points due to set backs rather than good ones, but with the given circumstances we did the best we could.
I learnt that planning is a very important part of the creation of a music video as our set backs were that, two of the days we had planned to film an outdoor scene at the docks the weather let us down and we couldn’t film, I was ill also during this time, meaning we couldn’t film an important part of our music video.
Also technology let us down when log and capturing an hour long piece of footage which we were going to use and speed up decided not to work after we waited an hour for it to capture, we thought it was unrealistic to wait another hour for it to do it again so we compromised.
I think the weak areas within our music video are the lack of different shots and different scene, I think it becomes repetitive and you lose interest half way through the song.
But initial good areas that I like is that you can see the relationship between the characters within the video, and it was natural footage, which I think makes it seem more comfortable and believable, rather than acted.
I like the speeded up traffic idea that we used, its interesting to watch and we did take this idea from previous successful videos we had watched. And I like the realness of the shots of Elliot in the studio, and the cut to Georgia breaking it off with him on the phone matching the lyrics.
I like the Mise-en-scene in the natural shots of Elliot and Georgia with the camera and that hats, I think its also believable.
I think we could have used a few more interesting camera techniques as at times its can seem a bit solid and boring, but we did use a hand held camera technique which I think is a nice added touch.
Whilst editing we used black and white for most scenes and then colour for the night scenes so it really emphasise the car lights, I think we could of perhaps added some other good effects if we were more familiar with using the Mac‘s but we were a bit scared of losing data and such when we played around a bit with it.
I think the suitability between the lyrics and visuals is sometimes very good and sometimes not so obvious, the car visuals aren’t so obvious to the song and are a bit of point but I thought they looked good.
Within all the other visuals I think that audiences can see the relationship between lyrics and visuals.
I think as we planned it to the genre, that it does match quite well, we have the studio shots, and the loved up shots with the attractive girl which is typical and the black and white editing, such as many grime and hip-hop genre videos, which makes it suitable for the target audience as we did include the above.
If I were to do the project again there are a lot of things I would do differently as I don’t think ours ended up as creative and professional looking as we had wanted due to set backs. It doesn’t look as clean cut and I would have like some more interesting camera angles and shots.
I would approach the planning and my time completely differently. I would of perhaps been less lazy and ‘over filmed’ as such so that I was sure we would have enough footage, because ours did end up rather repetitive and boring to watch, although we couldn’t predict the weather we could have improvised and filmed something else had we have been better prepared. I feel I didn’t use my time well and I have certainly learnt from this project that planning and time is important.
Here is a link to our music video:

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